Training sessions adults/teenagers
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 18:00 to 19:30 or from 19:30 à 21:00.
Training sessions For the kids (6 to 13 years old)
Wednesday from 17:00 à 18:00 and Saturday morning from 10:30 AM to noon.
Subscription request
We are happy to welcome to the Boxing Club Nicois gym, leisure boxing, fitness boxing, aerobic boxing, educational boxing, amateur boxers and professional boxers. We wish to open this sport to everyone.
Documents to provide:
- Interior rules to read and to sign
- Document to apply for leisure or educational boxing or fitness boxing
- to fill in and to provide with a medical certificate from the doctor at the back + extra exams for the competitors in amateur boxing
- The competitor’s amateur boxing will have to ask the manager of the amateur boxers in competition a form given by the French Federation that you and the doctors will have to fill in. Everything must be completed in that special form delivered by the manager of the competition fighters.
- 1 photo for ID
- From 14 years old, 1 cheque in the order of Boxing Club Niçois (the amount depends on the period of the season )
- From 6 à 13 years old, 1 cheque in the order of Boxing Club Niçois (the amount depends on the period of the season )